"Each morning we must hold out the chalice of our being to receive, to carry, and give back. It must be held out empty - for the past must only be reflected in its polish, its shape, its capacity."
(Dag Hammarskjöld)
Can you drink
How simply sincere
The yes of youth
And sure the hands
That take the cup
Holding it to my lips
Mouth to mouth
Communion adoration
Drinking of its sacrificed
Thinking nothing of the cost
In the greatness of my loving
It takes time
To become what we drink
And becoming takes its toll
Uncertain feet stumble
Weakening hands tremble
The cup falls
Spilling out emptied
And I am nothing
To myself but a bare
Naked trusting
That I AM the cup
Held in His hands
A vessel fit for lofty use
Dedicated to the Master
Ready for every good
So beautiful and so true